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July 06, 2005


That injection sounds intense. Heal quick! But evidently you can still type -- or is now the time to tell us that your orthography is completely the work of one of those dictation-type word processors?

This was two years ago.

They still don't overlap right when bent.

What does this mean?

Well, the problem is actually that they do overlap a little at times. My pinky sort of folds under my ring finger a bit.

I broke a bone in my hand when I was 14 or so because I punched a couch which was in a dumpster. I had a similar quantity of anaesthetic pumped into the handal extremity. When the cast came off, my arm smelled like: the zoo in the capital of a country whose invention and dissolution were barometric indicators of the rise and fall of the Soviet; this is the sort of zoo in which animals were named half-wrongly or not at all, lying nameless and sunburnt on rocks mined by the CCCR's finest poets.

I haven't broken any finger bones, but i've busted my joints often in the line of duty as a goalkeeper. The last time was on my ringfinger, and i had a hell of a time getting my ring off over the inflamed joint... wheeee.

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