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November 14, 2005


Ego te absolvo.

You know, i could buy you lunch on Thursday, if you wanted it.

Ego te absolvo.

You know, i could buy you lunch on Thursday, if you wanted it.

Ego te absolvo.

You know, i could buy you lunch on Thursday, if you wanted it.

Thanks for the offer—quite insistent—what's on Thursday?

Ego te absolvo.

You know, i could buy you lunch on Thursday, if you wanted it.


Arggh bloody hell. It kept timing out every time i tried to make the damn comment. HELLO WORLD I AM AN IDIOT. Anyway, Thursday i'm working from home, so that makes things easier for me.

Assuming I'm up and more or less in possession of myself by a reasonable hour on Thursday, that'd be swell, rone.

Within the last couple days, this has become the funniest blog in the fucking world.

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