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January 27, 2006


You've said too much already.

Yeah! Now we know you have a secret, and we can speculate as to what that secret is.

My guess? Ben hates Ogged.

Is this secret vegetable in nature?

Speaking of secrets

You were all supposed to keep your secrets in the comments, a la Kotsko's confessional.

eb wins

I know someone who performed -- in the White House with the daughter of the Secretary of --.

Does that work?

I was hoping for a bunch of empty comments, actually.

Oh well.

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Show off.

IOW, eb, you just weren't trying hard enough. View source and become enlightened.


Scandalous, eb, I'm shocked!

Does this mean we're going to get a Tuesday Wolfson Indiscretion Error?

No. Someone already does a Tuesday Love, after all, so the niche for Tuesday Hatred counterparts has been filled.

Indiscretion errors are for Wednesday.


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