Remember when Matt Yglesias got his position at The American Prospect? Of course you do—for members of our generation, the blog generation, it's analogous to knowing where you were when you found out that Bambi's mother had been killed. Everyone had nothing but congratulations for the young man setting off into legitimate journalism. But really, why should anyone have thought positively of his so-called "accomplishment"? For have we not known, at least since the days of Korzybski and Borges, that TAP is not meritory?
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I actually don't remember that so well—no doubt was living in a cave at the time. However, I did note that he seemed to lose some of his mystique with the move to tpm. If fracturing and splitting of self is the problem, he may have been better off when writing from his dorm room, when politics and libido and sports obsession and angst all jumbled together.
Posted by: ac | April 16, 2006 at 02:24 PM
I was just trying to come up with one that ended with "the frappe is not the lavatory." But they were all too disgusting.
Posted by: ac | April 23, 2006 at 08:42 PM