I am fairly certain that in at least two different places Frankfurt claims that we can't help caring what other people think about us (IN YOUR FACE Feynman's first wife!). That doesn't, I suppose, amount to full-fledged amour propre, but then, I haven't read Rousseau since Classics of Social and Political Thought way back in 01-02, and I'd be lying if I said I read him all that closely—just closely enough, basically, to think that this general will stuff sounded kinda strange. Girard on internal mediation might also be interesting in this light if one can actually muster the chutzpah to claim that his analysis (since he does seem to be on to a real phenomenon, at least) is anything like correct.
Of course we still have the question of what to do about that, if it is necessary. Arthur Lomb sounds like an interesting case. Bad faith seems inevitable.