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January 09, 2009


By that point we were in Manhattan, not known for its hills.

Not lately, anyway:

To Mr. Sanderson, the meticulous portrayal of the island's original topography evoked Manhattan primeval. He began to imagine the trees that thrived on north-facing slopes; he could see where black bear lumbered and wolves hunted elk, where fish spawned. He could envision what Henry Hudson saw in 1609 as he sailed along Mannahatta, which in the Lenape dialect most likely meant "island of many hills."

Welcome to the exciting world of complaining about your knees! I wouldn't presume to rob you of the fun of figuring out exactly what makes them hurt and how to best attenuate that pain. I will suggest a varied approach, though: any appropriately diversified knee complaint portfolio will include laments about your genetic predisposition to the condition; strongly-held opinions about what stretches and exercises must or must not be performed in order to avoid exacerbating the situation; and several quack remedies (personally, I'm partial to glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM capsules, which continue to seem to work no matter how much I tell myself I don't really believe in them).

personally, I'm partial to glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM capsules, which continue to seem to work no matter how much I tell myself I don't really believe in them

Well, it's like horseshoes, you know; they work whether or not you believe in them.

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